It was a good haul this year at the House of Girton, and you'll be seeing the clothes that Lol got in posts soon. Jim received this jacket from Lol and reciprocated with a rather swish item that you'll be seeing any day now.
We've had a very fishy christmas this year, with crossed wires meaning we got to dine on salmon on the 25th and cod on the 26th, but Lol was just happy there were still roast potatoes! Don't worry though, we had a proper turkey dinner on the 29th and pretended that all the fish never happened.

Sorry for the sartorially scanty post, but we'll be up and running again just as soon as we've caught up on all those christmas specials on BBC Iplayer and read at least one of the books we foolishly asked for for christmas when we already have a teetering bedside pile.
We only had proper christmas a few days ago, so for now we're going to ignore the new year and wish every last lovely one of you the yappiest christmas around (Stanley-approved).
You guys look like you're having so much fun. Thanks for sharing the photos and drop by me too when you have time.