Sunday, 19 December 2010

To bulge or not to bulge?

Lol's not sure about this one. The jumper is good, and so is the skirt, but the combination? She can't help but look at the waistline and feel bulgy, and bulgy is never what you want to hear. There is a certain statuesque quality, but could that be kept without the jumper? Is it ruined by that bulge? Due to snowy conditions, we won't even be contemplating leaving the house today, rendering this argument practically irrelevant but sartorially not so.
Lol wears:
Jumper, Zara
Maxi Skirt, Topshop


  1. ohmygosh i love your blog!
    the sweater's very cute and i love how you run it with your brother...following :)

  2. thank you, we're doing our we-have-another-follower dance right now! (well, I am, it's way past Jim's bedtime, so I'll tell him in the morning- he's a better dancer than me anyways!
    JimandLol xxx
