Tuesday, 11 January 2011

From Sydenham with love

So we lied again- we're sorry that we said we were going to post pictures of us in our christmas present clothes and we haven't- there is a perfectly good explanation for this. Firstly, we actually did take pictures, but half of them the camera seems to have taken a disliking to and misplaced. Secondly, the lighting was strange in the restaurant, so they were a bit dodgy anyway. And thirdly, we don't like to think about christmas too much because we miss it! Having said that, we do have two salvaged pictures. We can't vouch for their quality, but they were taken with love, and isn't that what counts?

We were so happy to reach ten followers last week, so thank you to those lovely ten, and to anyone else reading this. We're working on some ways to improve the blog, (a new camera would be nice!), so you should see some new features very soon. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

JimandLol xxx

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