Monday, 3 January 2011

Take Centre Stage

Or don't, if, like Lol, you can't dance- just dress like a ballerina instead! Lol has always loved the faded jumpers and off the shoulder tops that go along with ballet in the movies, the pastel pinks and blues and lilacs, but the closest she's ever come to it is lessons when she was six and anyway, she wouldn't wear the lovely tights because she hated seams. But now, you can just buy such things and pretend that you have coordination! We've had these outfits in mind since we watched Centre Stage before the holidays (everyone should watch it, because it's one of those films that makes you want to be in the world it represents), and so we were really pleased when we opened the guardian magazine on saturday and foudd a double page on the ballet trend in the style section, and then envious, and then sad because we can't afford any of it.

Ok, you caught us, the second outfit is from a couple of days ago, but this is the last time we'll travel back in time to bulk out a post, we promise!

Lol Wears:
(first outfit)
faded jumper, H&M
pastel green calf length skirt, charity shopped
clock necklace, Accessorize
(second outfit)
faded jumper, H&M
lace shirt, Republic
lilac skirt, Uniqlo
ribbed black tights, M&S
We are going back to school tomorrow, and Lol has done all her work, which means that it is going to be a day of relative lounging (there's always something to write for something). She has just finished One Day, by David Nicholls, and has only this to say: Read it. Read it now. And quick, because she's reading Tess of the D'Urbervilles next, and will probably tell you to read that too. Jim meanwhile is doing... something- playing the DS? or Fifa 11? or watching anime? Just generally not reading any of the amazing books Lol is loading his desk with.
Have a nice Sunday everyone
JimandLol xxx


  1. Hey, I have just found your blog and I really like reading it! I also like the idea of having a sibling choose your outfit- unfortunately I don't think I trust my brother enough to do that! Anyway, I am now a follower... You say Jim watches anime? Has he watched Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away? They're really good.
    Check out my blog sometime.

  2. cute outfits! love the skirts.
    xoxo from Sweden

  3. Jim has watched and loved both- He's on Naruto and Bleach right now- nonstop! Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to us that you like it. We're following you too

    JimandLol xxx

  4. Hi, glad to here Jim likes them- they are personal favourites... :) That's ok- glad you liked mine! And another follower *squeals* thank you, guys!
    The Clothes Press :)
