Friday, 17 December 2010

Tis the season to be lazy

The snow is back. AND we are off school. Not to be too arrogant, but the universe seems to be conspiring against us. Lol has been off for one day and bought two blouses, one dress and three books to add to the must-read pile, but worn jeans and 3 jumpers and read no books. It looks like this sad state of sartorial affairs will last at least until christmas, where she will make a big effort for the luncheon of medieval proportions, and then continue from there onwards (starting with immediate effect after that gut-busting christmas dinner). On the book front however, we are more optimistic, which unfortunately means that the clothes will suffer even more because it is far easier to stay in bed and read in this icy and unsure times that live up to the example of snug reading attire that Emma Watson sets all of us in the Deathly Hallows. So, we're going to start as we mean to go on and be incredibly lazy by uploading our favourite old outfit (layers galore!):


  1. Thank you!
    xxx JimandLol (Lol would like to take credit for this one as Jim was not yet the dictator of her wardrobe!)

  2. I'm on Brittney's side. Love it as well!

  3. Great layering! Subtle but effective and the color combo is perfect.

