Sunday, 19 December 2010

To bulge or not to bulge?

Lol's not sure about this one. The jumper is good, and so is the skirt, but the combination? She can't help but look at the waistline and feel bulgy, and bulgy is never what you want to hear. There is a certain statuesque quality, but could that be kept without the jumper? Is it ruined by that bulge? Due to snowy conditions, we won't even be contemplating leaving the house today, rendering this argument practically irrelevant but sartorially not so.
Lol wears:
Jumper, Zara
Maxi Skirt, Topshop

Friday, 17 December 2010

Tis the season to be lazy

The snow is back. AND we are off school. Not to be too arrogant, but the universe seems to be conspiring against us. Lol has been off for one day and bought two blouses, one dress and three books to add to the must-read pile, but worn jeans and 3 jumpers and read no books. It looks like this sad state of sartorial affairs will last at least until christmas, where she will make a big effort for the luncheon of medieval proportions, and then continue from there onwards (starting with immediate effect after that gut-busting christmas dinner). On the book front however, we are more optimistic, which unfortunately means that the clothes will suffer even more because it is far easier to stay in bed and read in this icy and unsure times that live up to the example of snug reading attire that Emma Watson sets all of us in the Deathly Hallows. So, we're going to start as we mean to go on and be incredibly lazy by uploading our favourite old outfit (layers galore!):

Monday, 13 December 2010

Jim's got love for you

-if you were born in the 80s. More specifically, if you presented children's tv in the 80s! We were up so early this morning to take the edible periodic table into school (we love class christmas parties) that Lol didn't quite realise what she was wearing until she caught sight of herself in a window carrying the cake tray. Very 'here's one I made earlier'. Warm, but does that make up for the waistcoat?

Lol wears:

Shirt, Marks and Spencers

Waistcoat, Charity shop (altered by us)

Skinny jeans, Topshop

Sunday, 12 December 2010

A layer too far?

For the first time, Lol is questioning Jim's judgement. Nevertheless, his choice is final, and Lol cannot deny that this was the warmest outfit yet. The difficulties come in trying to write and not being able to move your arms because of the warmth-giving the nature of what we affectionately call the blazumper combo. Lol wears:
Jumper, Charity shop
Blazer, Topshop
Jeans, Uniqlo
Necklace, Charm found and put on chain by Lol
+(Herringbone plaits strike again)

Oh the weather outside is frightful

-and so is dressing for it. This is Jim's solution: a thick jumper and a thick dress. Lol admits that she was unsure about the bobbles of the jumper against the denim, and the silhouette it might give, but after spending a day at school not concentrating only on getting a seat closest to a radiator, she worships at the altar of Jim, the layering god.
Lol is in the midst of a herringbone obsession.

Lol wears:
Jumper, Kaliko
Denim Dress, QED London
Necklace, Accessorize

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Jim's Turn

Jim is a very stubborn ten-year-old, and spends a lot of time in the same t-shirt and jeans, but he cleans up pretty good

Jim wears:
T-shirt, Primark
Black Skinny Jeans: H&M
Black Cardigan: H&M
Hat: Accesorize

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

It's snowing. Or rather, it was snowing, and now there is ice. Lots and lots of ice. We think it's brilliant that we can be brought to our knees by a random force of nature, sometimes we Londoners need to be put in our place again!

That's exactly what's happened to us- we have been off school for 5 days! It is too much! We have spent most of it in our pyjamas, and so therefore we had no pictures to upload. Yes, we do have a backlog of images that we promised to post, but the snow has addled Lol's mind, ok? Here's one of Jim's favourites from a couple of weeks ago, before the big freeze set in (apologies for the time warp):

Black Skinny Jeans, Topshop

Jumper, Rosa Apparel

Nail Varnish, Topshop Makeup

Jim calls this the GaGa jumper, although Lol thinks this would be one of the more conservative things in that Lady's wardrobe... Anyway, we love the sleeves and the whole body armour look this jumper's got going on- perfect for tackling the chemistry test Lol had that day! (If you've noticed the orange nail varnish, that's how Lol's going to explain that one away too). And actually, it's not too far back in the future for us, we reckon Lol could wear this today (with thousands of layers and ear muffs of course!)