Saturday, 27 November 2010

Here we go...

We found a way to upload our pictures, so we're going to start the idea that we actually had for jimandlol! Last week, Jim chose the clothes that Lol had to wear to school. It was a time of mixed outfits (and emotions) and often Jim wasn't even up on time- but now we finally have some pictures to share with you! We're going to upload them over the next week, and then we promise that we'll be caught up and will actually share the outfit of the day!

This dress is one of the many lovely things that our mum has found in charity shops, and Lol thought it was not suitable for the weather (we might be getting snow soon!). However, Jim is nothing if not obstinate, and so he picked out the black blazer (also charity shopped) that you can see below. Lol was very happy with her fringe that day (it has the tendency to get very bitty), so Jim chose a bun because it would show the lovely collars of the dress.

It has to be said that this was not Jim's first attempt, but we'll call those other vetoed outfits practices!